Getting Promoted: Find Problems You Can Solve for Others Who Are Willing to Pay You – Episode 1 – How to Get Promoted – Part 3
This episode is insanely valuable for anybody that is looking to get promoted. Do you struggle at work? Are you feeling disengaged that your job? These are both reasons for why you will never get promoted. In this episode, Caleb Taylor sit down with Clay Clark who is a business coach and the former US Small Business Administration Entrepreneur of the Year. The both of them break down the specific things that you must do in order to get promoted within the workplace, and the mental ship that you must make in order to create value for the people that manage to. The first step that you must do is to identify the specific problems that you are currently solving, and the problems that your managers have right now. In order to get promoted, you cannot move forward without first building a reputation of excellence on the current responsibilities that you have. You do not get promoted when you’re not already effectively completing pass. You must first Master where you are, and then you get promoted to where you’re going. It’s not the other way around. You do not learn to manage money more effectively once you have more of it. You do not become an excellent time manager once you were promoted to a level of responsibility. You must master the small things in order to be trusted with the big things. If you understand this concept you can do great things in your life. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world are ones who have become obsessive about details. The second step is to ask yourself what issues are my managers currently facing that I can help solve. When you can provide solutions to problems that currently exist, you will be a valuable asset to the team. If you solve problems prior to them asking you to fix them, then you can create a reputation of excellence which will get you promoted.