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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management – Episode 6 – Managing for Results – Part 2

In this series, Lee Cockerell, former Executive VP of Operations for Walt Disney World and Clay Clark, the former U.S. Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year, business coach, father of 5 children, and owner of numerous chickens, will deep dive into how to create a magical organization through great management. Lee starts the video off by telling a very personal story of his family and how he had to deal with it.

Lee shares a personal story to convey the power of confidence. He told a series of stories about the different doctors who helped his wife and their confidence in their ability to make her better and for her to feel better when she left that doctors office. He mentions that the confidence they had in their abilities changed his and his wife’s perception of the process. It was still a difficult process to get through, but it was made easier by the help of doctors and their willingness to go above and beyond their duties. If you take this concept into your company, you have to be that confidence in your team and employees. If you carry that assurance with you wherever you go, people will follow you. Because if you have confidence in what you are doing and you have confidence in your employees and you convey that to them, your employees will feel empowered. Lee mentions that a good leader inspires confidence in his/her employees.

In this video, Lee Cockerell mentions that sometimes being a leader means doing the right thing even when you are not supposed to. In this video, you will learn the tips and tricks of how to effectively manage your employees and create a better experience for them and your clients. If you are interested in what exact action steps you need to take to become a successful entrepreneur than keep watching this series.

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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management

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Creating a Magical Organization Through Great Management – Episode 6 – Managing for Results – Part 2

In this series, Lee Cockerell, former Executive VP of Operations for Walt Disney World and Clay Clark, the former U.S. Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year, business coach, father of 5 children, and owner of numerous chickens, will deep dive into how to create a magical organization through great management. Lee starts the video off by telling a very personal story of his family and how he had to deal with it.

Lee shares a personal story to convey the power of confidence. He told a series of stories about the different doctors who helped his wife and their confidence in their ability to make her better and for her to feel better when she left that doctors office. He mentions that the confidence they had in their abilities changed his and his wife’s perception of the process. It was still a difficult process to get through, but it was made easier by the help of doctors and their willingness to go above and beyond their duties. If you take this concept into your company, you have to be that confidence in your team and employees. If you carry that assurance with you wherever you go, people will follow you. Because if you have confidence in what you are doing and you have confidence in your employees and you convey that to them, your employees will feel empowered. Lee mentions that a good leader inspires confidence in his/her employees.

In this video, Lee Cockerell mentions that sometimes being a leader means doing the right thing even when you are not supposed to. In this video, you will learn the tips and tricks of how to effectively manage your employees and create a better experience for them and your clients. If you are interested in what exact action steps you need to take to become a successful entrepreneur than keep watching this series.


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