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17 Steps For Effective Contract Negotiations – Episode 13 – Build Rapport – Part 1

Welcome back to the Thrivetime show on your radio when you’re joining us live your joining us in the box of rocks in the studio today we have the best of the best. That’s right today we have Clay Clark and Dr. Zoellner talking about the 17 steps for effective contract negotiations. When you dive into the steps you’re going to be thrilled with what we can bring you and how we can help you. Today we’re focusing on building rapport. This is going to be a vital step in winning the negotiation war with whoever it is that you’re going into a contract with you’re going to need this report to make them trust you and move forward.

What is building rapport? Building rapport is establishing the connection between to humans it makes them trust each other. Were going to dive into how you can do that and how we can help affect the contract negotiation process. You may need to practice with the business coach see if this is something you can get better at. If you are needing a business coach you can call us up the Thrivetime show to get started with one today. We are going to be offering the best program for your money.

The Thrivetime show on your radio is also a business coaching program this used around the world. Don’t waste any more time to go to those other places that are not going to deliver you the things you need to succeed. Thrivetime show is different because it’s business coach is going to be not only telling you what you’re doing wrong but also getting the solutions to what you need to do right. This is different than anything else on the planet so gives call today at 918-340-6978. You can also visit us online at

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17 Steps For Effective Contract Negotiations

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17 Steps For Effective Contract Negotiations – Episode 13 – Build Rapport – Part 1

Welcome back to the Thrivetime show on your radio when you’re joining us live your joining us in the box of rocks in the studio today we have the best of the best. That’s right today we have Clay Clark and Dr. Zoellner talking about the 17 steps for effective contract negotiations. When you dive into the steps you’re going to be thrilled with what we can bring you and how we can help you. Today we’re focusing on building rapport. This is going to be a vital step in winning the negotiation war with whoever it is that you’re going into a contract with you’re going to need this report to make them trust you and move forward.

What is building rapport? Building rapport is establishing the connection between to humans it makes them trust each other. Were going to dive into how you can do that and how we can help affect the contract negotiation process. You may need to practice with the business coach see if this is something you can get better at. If you are needing a business coach you can call us up the Thrivetime show to get started with one today. We are going to be offering the best program for your money.

The Thrivetime show on your radio is also a business coaching program this used around the world. Don’t waste any more time to go to those other places that are not going to deliver you the things you need to succeed. Thrivetime show is different because it’s business coach is going to be not only telling you what you’re doing wrong but also getting the solutions to what you need to do right. This is different than anything else on the planet so gives call today at 918-340-6978. You can also visit us online at


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