Find A Need And Fill It – Episode 3 – Part 1
In this particular episode, we continue this series between Jack Nadel, a business owner who has flown in 27 combat missions in a B-29 bomber over Japan, and business coach Clay Clark who has started nine different successful companies. Specifically they get into talking about what it means to find a need and fillet. As an Oscar Newark, the specific niche that you operate within is hugely important. If you do not spend time to think about what problem problem that you are solving is, you will begin to work towards many different directions, and not be successful in any event. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world have a clearly defined goal, and worked relentlessly to achieve them. Along the way, your journey may change because your skills and talents will also change. You must be prepared to pivot your business to what is profitable as the market trends develop. Jack Nadel explains that this is a part of entrepreneurship, and the most successful entrepreneurs roll with the punches along the way. If you are struggling to identify your need or niche that you’re going to solve and provide service for, then make sure that you start by examining the local community and environment that you currently work and live in. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world have listening post out in the marketplace to hear about changing environments before they arrive right in front of them. Those that can identify something that is going to happen in the future are the most successful because they seize the opportunity to position themselves to take advantage of it. If you start by identifying a need for niche that is something that you love, then that will make it easier in the long run to work towards it because it will not feel like work. If you enjoy it, then you will work relentlessly at it and wake up early and stay up late. Make sure that you check out the other episodes in this particular series to help identify what need or niche that you need to begin working in.