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The Clifton Taulbert Story – Episode 1 – Part 3

If you have ever faced a difficult circumstance in life that seemed so overwhelming that it caused you to give up on whatever you were pursuing, then this episode is definitely for you. No matter what we do in life, no matter what path that we take, there will be times where we encounter struggles, hardships, stumbling blocks, and adversity in all different forms. Whenever we are faced with adversity, we can either decide to overcome that adversity and move on in life, or we can allow that adversity to overcome us and prevent us from living our goals. America’s best business coach of all time, Clay Clark, is joined with one of his greatest personal mentors ever, Clifton Taulbert, to discuss how to overcome adversity. Clifton Taulbert grew up with struggles, challenges, and other things that put him at a disadvantage in life. Despite all the challenges that he encountered throughout his life, Clifton Taulbert rose above these things and went on to popularize the “Stair Master,” own a bank and even have a book and a movie made about his life. If you need to learn how to overcome adversity in the moment of struggle, then this episode and series are definitely for you. One of the principles or lessons discussed in this specific part is that fear will always present itself to you. Like mentioned above, no matter what we do or what direction we take, fear will always make itself present to us in life. However, we have the ability to choose to acknowledge it or ignore it. Fear can be one of the greatest stumbling blocks throughout life, but it is our choice to allow that fear to overcome us, or we overcome it. Let this episode encourage you to overcome fear in your life, regardless of whatever circumstances you may experience.


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