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12 Life Lessons Every Human Should Know – Episode 3 – Part 3

Ambition is great, but it is important that you are able to be patient. Ambition can be destructive if you let it get out of hand and are going too fast and burnout mode. And this brings us to life lesson number 11, the key to a fulfilling life is balance. When we discuss balance we are talking about the balance you need between your work and your family. Sean Kouplen teaches us that our lives are a sum total of how we performed in the most important we have been placed in. How happy would you be with your life if you put yourself into burnout mode in order to reach your goals quickly and sacrifice your personal health in doing so? This is just one example of why it is so important to learn balance. Everyone has the same amount of time in the day so you must learn to say no to certain activities in order to say yes to the important things you want to accomplish. You’ll find that over time the opportunities that you have available to you will become much more than the time you have available to you. So decide today the things that are unimportant they can take out your schedule that will allow you to take advantage of these opportunities. Business coach Clay Clark and Sean Kouplen are great examples of people who are able to look at an opportunity and decide if it is worth replacing this new thing or activity with something else they are currently doing. And you will find that often times it is not. Do not fall in the trap of piling on and saying you will figure it out later. Learn to say no and not over commit yourself, or you will find that you are unable to fulfill fully all the responsibilities you have committed to.


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