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12 Life Lessons Every Human Should Know – Episode 1 – Part 3

In this business coach taught episode we continue to learn from Sean Kouplen and Clay Clark the important life lesson number two preparation tops talent. It is so important with anything we are asked to do in life, any job, any task, that we prepare ourselves to fulfill this task. Learn what it takes to be prepared so you will be able to deliver on the commitments you have made. Learn, for instance, why it is important that when you have a big interview coming up you should learn everything there is to know about the company. Being prepared isn’t just a suggestion, being prepared is the best way to get ahead and to reach your goals. You’ll see that the higher you get up in life, or the higher up the food chain you are, the more exposed you will become if you’re not prepared. You cannot be expected to manage a team, or lead a group of people while just winging it. When you are not prepared people take notice of it, and it tends to turn people off to what you are saying. Business coach Clay Clark and Sean Kouplen also begin to discuss in this episode life lesson number three, focus. Sean Kouplen says that focus is the single greatest factor to our own personal and professional success. He also teaches the importance of sitting down and writing goals for yourself. Set these goals for your future and be sure that you create actionable items and steps that will help you to reach and achieve these goals. People tend to drift, so if you are not focused on any specific task or goals you too will begin to drift and be tossed back and forth by the waves of life. Join us here as we discussed this important skill of being focused in your life. Not only will improve your life personally, but it will bring you the success you seek within the business world.

Sean Kouplen9:52 amPublished: Sean Kouplen

12 Life Lessons Every Human Should Know – Episode 1 – Part 3

In this business coach taught episode we continue to learn from Sean Kouplen and Clay Clark the important life lesson number two preparation tops talent. It is so important with anything we are asked to do in life, any job, any task, that we prepare ourselves to fulfill this task. Learn what it takes to be prepared so you will be able to deliver on the commitments you have made. Learn, for instance, why it is important that when you have a big interview coming up you should learn everything there is to know about the company. Being prepared isn’t just a suggestion, being prepared is the best way to get ahead and to reach your goals. You’ll see that the higher you get up in life, or the higher up the food chain you are, the more exposed you will become if you’re not prepared. You cannot be expected to manage a team, or lead a group of people while just winging it. When you are not prepared people take notice of it, and it tends to turn people off to what you are saying. Business coach Clay Clark and Sean Kouplen also begin to discuss in this episode life lesson number three, focus. Sean Kouplen says that focus is the single greatest factor to our own personal and professional success. He also teaches the importance of sitting down and writing goals for yourself. Set these goals for your future and be sure that you create actionable items and steps that will help you to reach and achieve these goals. People tend to drift, so if you are not focused on any specific task or goals you too will begin to drift and be tossed back and forth by the waves of life. Join us here as we discussed this important skill of being focused in your life. Not only will improve your life personally, but it will bring you the success you seek within the business world.


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