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See even more about what our current employees have to say about working here below!
Yvette Lanier
Being a search engine optimization writer at Thrivetime Show 15 is amazing! My name is Yvette Lanier and I am a search engine optimization writer or SEO super ninja! I really wanted to use my writing to help business owners thrive! It is one way, I can help entrepreneurs gain financial freedom and time freedom by writing content for them. So awesome! I also desired to thrive in my own life as well! Thatís why I wanted to be a part of Thrivetime Show team. I wanted to be around highly successful people who were thriving and had an exceptional work ethic. There ís a very good book that says, when you walk with the wise, you become wiser. I desired to be wiser.
Now, I have been working at Thrive for nearly two months. Every day, I look forward to coming in to work. Stepping into the building, you hear the upbeat music blaring, you grab a cup of coffee or water from the bar, and get started on your tasks for the day. The environment is upbeat and lively. There are no boring moments–ever!
I enjoy being around great people to work. My team members have positive attitudes. They are upbeat and constantly encouraging you! Being around good people truly makes a difference and makes you so much more excited to come to work every day. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to work for such a great company that truly cultivates excellence and inspires you to be better every day. There is never a dull or unexciting moment at thrive, there are only exciting and encouraging moments!
The people on my team really to set the standard of excellence. Their standard of excellence only inspires you to want to be better at your job. When you’re around people that are continually growing and flourishing, it makes a huge difference on your attitude. You’ll want to grow more too and thrive in ways you never thought was possible!
I’ve been working here for only a couple months and I’ve already learned the value of setting goals. Having clear-cut goals, makes the world of difference of what you can achieve and what you can do. When you don’t have goals and you’re not intentional about your life every day, youíll drift. It opens the door to chaos in your life and it is definitely not a good thing! I am learning the importance of planning every day and each moment of my day so that I am intentional and purposeful about my time.
We see this model from Clay Clark. You see him walking around with a clipboard with a daily schedule of things he needs to get done on his list. It reminds us that in order to be very effective in your day, you must plan it out. Having a daily agenda is so important to success. As a result of seeing this, it has allowed me to be so much more intentional about my time and how I plan my day.
Working at Thrive is different from other jobs because here you are around the standard of excellence that continually pushes you towards excellence. You inspired every day to come into truly give your best and to do your best. You also see the work that you do really makes a difference! For example, at several of our morning Monday meetings, Clay Clark has bought in the business owners that we are serving. We are able to see firsthand how our SEO articles are helping to make their business flourish. It’s really neat to see the impact of our work.
We continually receive feedback to grow. I enjoy the atmosphere of accountability because it allows me to continually flourish and get better. When you have a standard of excellence set before you, it is only good to receive feedback. Of course, this is simply because you have a desire to get better and reach your potential. You’re also working in an atmosphere where it is constantly energetic and it is fun.
Each morning when you come into the work, the music is upbeat and live, and you’re just excited to work in an atmosphere like that! You come to work focused, and ready to deliver and do more than what’s expected! This is the atmosphere where extra work is celebrated and encouraged. It’s an atmosphere where you want to do better and you want to succeed. You really want to reach your daily goals and do a good job overall.
Being at Thrive is so different than my other jobs because we have weekly meetings. These meetings are great because Clay is always upbeat and he always delivers inspirational, encouraging, and good information to make our jobs and life better! He takes time to invest in us and gives us wisdom and knowledge to win! Of course, youíll have to apply it, but you’ll want to because you will want to grow!
In order to work at Thrive, you must be willing to learn and grow. You must be willing to have the heart to change and become a better worker and person. Here youíll learn how to become a better team player. And if you’re not good working with people and working with people who enjoy succeeding, then youíll enjoy being at Thrive.
You must be able to enjoy getting feedback and be humble as well. Having a humble attitude is willing to learn and make the right corrections, so you can continually produce great work! If you’re not willing to receive correction or if you’re not even humble and taking corrections from others, then you will not be successful here. Also Thrive, you will not work for you if you are constantly late for you don’t believe in getting to work on time. If you don’t believe in getting to work on time then thrive will not work for you.
Thrive is all about helping you flourish. It’s a company where Clay Clark continually sets the standard of excellence and he actually backs up his word by his demonstrating this. You’ll definitely hear him greet you and say hello to you and ask how you’re doing? You will never feel like you’re just existing. You’ll feel like that you are a part of a team, where you can truly begin to grow and where your victories are celebrated. Youíll definitely have fun too! If you are looking for a place that is now hire Tulsa has no better.
Jeffrey Alaback
ThriveTime Show is a wonderful place to work and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with some of the most motivated and tenacious individuals Iíve ever witnessed together in one building. Ive never worked with a company that encourages you to be the best version of yourself. I learned a term back when I worked with Toyota and it has always stuck with me since. The Japanese word is kaizen. This translates to continuous improvement and can be applied to both business and personal life. You can always be better, faster, more efficient, more cost-effective, etc. Clay Clark and Jonathan Kelly truly care about each and every one of their employees and I could immediately see that kaizen was generously flowing throughout this amazing company. All the way from the bosses down to the employees, the whole corporate pyramid is striving to be better and everyone holds themselves to the highest standards possible. As you are aware perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we are guaranteed to catch excellence. They say you are the company you keep and it defines your character. I couldn’t be in better company if I tried! Thank you ThriveTime, I will forever be grateful for this lucrative step in my life.
I’ve been listening to ThriveTime Show podcast for several years and always enjoyed listening to Clays unique take on business and personal life. He is very entertaining and full of notable quotables. Clay is incessantly speaking about self-accountability and cultivating the millionaire mindset. Which is very refreshing, since it seems the majority of the population is living with the victimhood mentality and constantly blaming others for their shortcomings and problems in their lives. Every day I witness a severe lack of introspection and constant deflections of personal responsibilities running rampant and plaguing America. Itís truly revitalizing to hear someone speak about the moral degradation around us and how to rise above it instead of complaining about the status quo as the majority of Americans do. People love complaining and Iíve always had the mentality that complaining accomplishes nothing. If you donít like a situation, change it. Itís easy as that. Einstein said insanity is doing the same over and over, yet expecting different results. Americans seem to be stuck in this undulating loop of loathing and dissatisfaction with the world around us. There is always a silver lining, people would just rather look at the negative side of things instead of the positive. There are no problems in my life, only solutions.
When the opportunity came to start working for ThriveTime arose, I just knew I had to jump on this life-changing opportunity. My personality can be strong at times, friends and family often describe me as a pot stirrer, instigator or a jester. Many people don’t know how to take me. When your sarcasm is so advanced, that many people think you’re just plain stupid. Ha! Clay pulled me aside after I shadowed for a half day and offered me the job. He said, I really like your energy and I think you wíll be a good fit here. It felt really nice to hear since most other companies I worked for in the past cared more about what was on my resume rather than the content of my character.
On my very first day at ThriveTime Clay asked about my goals, ambitions, hobbies, and personal life. In all my jobs I have never had a boss ask me any of these questions. Even bosses Iíve worked for 4+ years never asked me about any of my aspirations. I guess my previous bosses just viewed me as a robotic tool to accomplish certain tasks. It ís extremely refreshing to know there are still managers/bosses out there that do care and cater to their employees best interests. I could tell that Clay Clark and Jonathan Kelly both have strong interpersonal skills and understand how to amply motivate and incentivize their employees. I had several different jobs in my life. I was a marketing communications specialist for a pharmaceutical company for many years. So I was fairly familiar with search engine optimization, but Google has changed the algorithms greatly since then. But this didn’t matter to Clay and Jonathan. They actually preferred a blank slate in regards to SEO experience so they could teach us the best way to do it. Instead of having to unlearn my old ways and then retaught the Thrive way.
My first week on the job, was a whirlwind of emotions. I immediately noticed the high energy circulating throughout the office. Bells were ringing and gongs were banging as people run around passing out high fives when a sale or appointment was made. At first, it was a tad overwhelming. I felt like I was on the set of Wolf of Wall Street. The energy in the room was palpable and contagious! I knew I had found a job where I could thrive. Yes, pun intended.
My job is to write content for various companies that we represent in order to bolster their online visibility. At first, it was very arduous and I had no idea how I was going to possibly muster 50-60 articles a day. Did I make mistake taking this job, can I cut it, what am I doing here? Several questions and self-doubt ran through my head. Deep breaths…youíve got this Jeff. So I kept my head up and kept writing eventually, it all started to click. I just had to believe in myself, which after years of being emotionally beat down and squashed by previous managers made it more difficult than it should have been. We are stronger than we think and capable of great things, the sooner you realize that the better off you are in this life. We are truly changing people’s lives by helping them perfect their online presence. How many times have you gone to page 3 of Google when looking for something? This is why we strive to get clients to the top of Google. It ís very rewarding hearing companies speak about how their businesses have exponentially grown thanks to the work ThriveTime is doing for them. It keeps me going every day knowing that we are making a drastic difference for these clients and the families they support.
I’m eternally grateful for ThriveTime Show. Clay promotes the culture of being an A+ employee. Over deliver and soon enough you’ll be overpaid is what he says. This is not the company for you if you are not self-motivated, habitually late and an all-around pessimistic who canít take constructive criticism. Growth is not easy, but very necessary in life and Clay Clark will push you to become the best version of yourself possible. The opportunities are boundless here at ThriveTime Show and Iím so blessed to be given the chance to strive and thrive.
Jordan McKaughan
Hey There! My name is Jordan McKaughan and here at The Thrivetime Show, I am a search engine optimization content creator. The articles that I write here are important whenever it comes to the clients that we work for. The work I do is also incredibly important to me because I love helping small businesses every day! As a search engine optimization content creator, I write several Articles that help promote businesses on Google, and by doing this I can help small businesses rank higher for a specific keyword on Google. This then generates more leads and business opportunities for our clients.
This can be very helpful for a small business because it creates an opportunity for new clients to visit your website and learn more about your products or services! I truly enjoy my job here at The Thrivetime Show because I get to help businesses with scaling their success every single day. So if you need more organic ways to generate leads instead of paying for countless ads every single month, then the SEO team is here to help you! Whenever you reach the top of Google with our articles, you will have leads coming in every single day!
The people here at the Thrive are like no other out there. Every time I walk into work I feel great because get to help grow and scale several businesses and get to do it with an amazing team as well. The workplace and my co-workers here have changed my life and I thank God for having such a great place to work at every day. This place has given me so many amazing life lessons and I still learn so much from our founder Clay Clark and Jon Kelly every week! I have a great time working here and I can sincerely say that I have a blast being here!
I have been working here for nearly a year, and it has truly been a remarkable position for me. I am always around several people here that really care about each other and I have grown to really love the atmosphere here. Every single person at Thrive aspires to have a good time at work while also making everyone feel like they are apart of a team. For example, every time that one of our sales representatives achieves their goal we all cheer for them, and that is definitely something that I respect about this company. We celebrate those who overdeliver and reach their goals and that is something that I really enjoy!
Everyone at the Thrivetime show treats one another as family and I really believe that this is something that is different from any other company out there. I have gained so many mentors while working here including Clay Clark and Jon Kelly who have both taught me how to succeed in my personal and professional life, they also give really great advice and have advised me with my goals! The difference between a mentor and a boss is huge, and that is one of the main reasons why I love working here. Having a mentor is really beneficial because I can get advice along with my career path and I am super grateful for that here at the Thrivetime show!
I have learned a lot about how to correctly manage my time effectively as well as how to control my finances successfully. I believe that while working here at Thrive I have been able to really find my true passions and what I love doing and I believe that doing something that you love as a career every day is absolutely amazing! Being able to help small business owners and leaders with their organizations is really wonderful and every day that I go to work I know that I am supporting these businesses and their families.
I have been able to really learn how a business works from Thrive and have gained a skill that will be needed for years to come and I am truly grateful for that. Before I started working here at Thrive I was unhappy and straining myself at three jobs to be able to provide for my wife, pay for my college, and also to pay bills and simply trying to get by. Since I have been here I have seen dramatic shifts in my life and I couldn’t be happier! I take pride in what I do here at thrive and I love being able to help small companies with their growth! The search engine optimization articles that I do are a significant help to many businesses across the United States, and I really cherish being able to hear about how many people that I have helped while working here.
A big part of our job here is to strive for success every single day and work harder to be better in every way. Here at our company we truly like being as diligent as possible, and whenever we hire new people we always look for coachability and if they have a willingness to learn. We also believe that whenever you work here that you need to put in as much of your ability into your work as possible and get better at your craft. These are all things that somebody needs in order to have a position here at the inThrivetime show!
Our company is helping thousands of businesses and we want to make sure that everyone here strives to learn new ways to be better at their skills. We want to make sure that we are able to hire team players as well, and that is another thing that I really like about working here at Thrive. We also always want to make sure that we honor those who overdeliver! So if you want to be taught a new skill and work hard every day doing something that you love then this is the place for you.
We are like no other office or marketing company out there, and that is a very good trait! Everybody here makes sure that we get here early, overdeliver in our work, ask how to be better, and improve ourselves. This is something that we pride ourselves in but there are many people who can’t do this job because of lack of initiative. So we always make sure that we have the best of the best here at the Thrivetime show! Everyone here at Thrive treasures what they do and we love to help our clients every single day. We do what we do in order to be able to help others that truly need our exceptional skills for their businesses to succeed. So many people can’t handle it here at the Thrivetime show, but those who stick with it are commended for their work.
As I have worked here, I have learned so many wonderful ways on how to improve myself and my work. I am super grateful for the environment here at Thrive because that is what is so great about our company, and that is the people. Our weekly meetings are definitely a highlight for me because I get to be updated on how my work has helped clients all across America! We also get tips and tricks on how to improve our own personal and professional lives from our founder Clay Clark. I can definitely say that working here has changed my life in a very positive way, so a big thanks goes to Clay Clark and the people at thrive for creating such an amazing place to work at! If you need a job, or are searching the now hiring Tulsa sites, you need to call.
Kennedy Schaefer
After packing up my entire life and moving from small-town Nebraska, I never really knew what to expect from the big and beautiful city of Tulsa, OK. One thing I was sure of though, I was hungry for more self-growth and wanted to begin the journey of achieving success for myself. That is when the opportunity at Thrivetime Show presented itself, and I jumped into the unknown. After my few short months working with the Thrivetime Show, I can honestly say I have never been happier about the decision. Instantly, I received tremendous amounts of support from the whole team and along with the opportunities, each day is a true educational learning experience. The journey I have embarked on is a positive one to say the least.
While working at the Thrivetime Show, we are a TEAM and when someone accomplishes a greater milestone within their position, everyone ensures they receive the pat on the back they deserve. Any company can claim to be all about the teamwork, but with the ThriveTime Show crew, this is exactly what is showcased. Everyday is a chance to celebrate great achievements but to also reflect on areas of growth and to gain knowledge on how to go about it. As part of the SEO team I have been able to experience first hand just how crucial teamwork is. We have been able to surpass our goals and create a support system that promotes high-quality performances each day from start to finish.
From day one, I had assistance in learning the ropes of my role and never felt alone in the process. I’d be sugar coating things if I said I wasn’t completely terrified of what to expect on my first day, but who isn’t? However, I learned from that very first day that goal setting is crucial and that showcasing and sharing your goals with your team, can create great success for everyone. We each set our personal goals every day, big or small, and at the end of each day, we are able to share our achievements of those goals or possibly what we could do differently tomorrow. Everyone starts somewhere, and no matter what step on the ladder you may be on at the Thrivetime Show, you can guarantee someone is right behind you to encourage you every step of the way.
The atmosphere at the Thrivetime Show is unlike any other I could compare to. No, we are not all packed together in little cubicles with fluorescent lights beaming down on us. And no we aren’t all rolling our eyes dreading the mornings, watching the clock as each hour passes unproductively. But we are eager to learn, we show up early and we actually…work…hard! We encourage each other all hours of the day and guess what? We do it again the next day! Music? You got it! High-fives to promote each other’s success and celebrate the hard work you deserve? Of course! So this probably sounds cheesy, but the Thrivetime Show really is a team, and every day we all learn something new, and honestly, why would you ever work somewhere where you couldn’t grow or continue to learn how to achieve goals for yourself?
When it comes to success, and actually achieving it, you must understand the hard work that comes before seeing it happen. I think that in today’s society, it is so easy for people to get wrapped up in the end goal and don’t realize the time and real muscle grease it can take to achieve it. At Thrivetime Show I have grasped a deeper understanding of how to be realistic with goals and how I can make myself accountable for making it possible to achieve them. Thrivetime Show is not for the weak, it is for the driven. For instance, if you want to become faster, or more efficient in a role, show up early, this allows you a jumpstart in accomplishing more and promote real growth that you will actually begin to see. If you can’t dress for success, or even be accountable for your time or work ethic, this is not the place for you. But, if you want to stop being another number in a company and want to start being able to accomplish greater achievements in life, this is the team to get you there.
When it boils down to it, the Thrivetime Show is a one of a kind place with the hardest working and most dedicated people I have met. Everyone has their own personal goals, and the team here actually wants to help you reach them. Whether it be learning a new role or even a bigger dream that you have set aside and have been wanting to achieve for a long time. They go above and beyond to ensure you are taking the steps to make it a reality. If you are eager to learn and are able to use criticism as a learning experience. Or if you are able to use feedback as a building block for self-growth, then this is the place for you. If you are someone who wakes up before the rest of Tulsa to accomplish more in the day. Or if you tend to run the extra mile to make sure you reach your set goals each and every single day, then I can assure you, this is your calling. Hard work with Thrivetime Show shouldn’t be viewed as a chore, but instead as a dedicated way to keep yourself accountable and on the journey to bigger achievements.
Although I have been with Thrivetime Show for a short time, already I have been provided with more knowledge than any textbook in school ever has. Each day I learn something to better equipped me for the position I am in and helps promote self-growth at work and in my everyday life. Every day might not be all sunshine and rainbows, but at least I know that every day I can gladly say that with Thrivetime Show I am gaining experience to reach the goals I set and that I will always have someone on the team to guide me every step of the way to get there.
Samantha Lynn
Hello Thrive Nation! My name is Samantha Lynn, and like every member of the Thriveime Show Team, I wear many different hats here in the office. One of the best things about working at Thrive is that every day brings new challenges and tasks that you have to be very flexible, willing, and able to complete. It definitely keeps me on my toes and ensures that I never get stagnant or bored! The majority of my time at work is spent on search engine optimization content uploading. We have other members of our team that are search engine optimization content creators, and I have done that from time to time as well. However, my main job starts when theirs ends. They write the articles to the correct specifications to be compliant with Googles rules and hit for the keywords that the clients wants to rank for. Then I take that content and upload it to the client’s website. The way we upload the content makes that page, and subsequently that clients website, have a higher ranking for a certain word or phrase when people search it on Google. There are a few main things that we look for when uploading content for clients being word count, the meta description, slug, and sometimes images and internal links. We also have to be sure that there is no duplicate content! With the right amount of compliant content uploaded the right way, a client will eventually get to the top of Google. Showing up higher in the list of search results has a huge impact on our clients! They will see more hits on their website leading to increased brand recognition, inbound leads, and sales resulting in more revenue!
The other role I play for the Thrivetime Show is calling leads for our business coaching services, workshops, online business school, and E-Book downloads. When someone fills out a form on the website requesting more information or expressing interest, I am the one that gets to reach out to them! Through these calls, I get to learn more about our audience, what their needs are, and how we can help get them to their goals. I especially love this part of my job, because it gives me a chance to get people into a program that I know for a fact will be a game changer for them and I love being on the ground floor of connecting with our clients. When making these calls I am both needing to express the benefits of our programs and, at the same time, evaluating the person I am talking to, their business, and their needs to see which of our programs would be most beneficial to them. From that point, I either set them up with a 13 Point Assessment with Clay to potentially move forward with coaching, get them set up with a date to come to one of our workshops, help then sign up for online business school, or direct them to our other resources like the podcast or free E-Books.
Like I mentioned, no one at Thrive has a hard outlined single thing we do. It takes a lot of well oiled moving parts, teamwork, and flexibility to do the awesome things we get to do for our clients. That being said, some of the other supporting roles I get to fill include helping clients record podcasts for their websites, assisting with the workshops and running the book sales, doing clients sales calls, being available for client meetings, a little bit of public typing, and basically anything else that is asked of me! I have worked for Clay Clark for almost two years now, and have learned more than I ever thought I would be able to in one place!
Having all of these awesome opportunities has taught me countless marketable skills. I have has the opportunity to learn some coding with HTML and CSS, I have become familiar with Adobe Photoshop, I learned all the ins and outs of Google compliance and search engine optimization, and I have grown my sales skills to a level I never knew existed in me. Those are just the things that I have been able to do professionally. It is impossible to be in this office and not gain skills through seeing them carried out every day and getting some of it through proximity, as well. I have learned management of both time and people. I have learned to be more efficient and effective in professional and personal ways. However, I think one of the most important things I have learned is the growth mindset. That shows me I am the only thing limiting myself and I can, and will, continue to be a lifelong learner to accomplish all of my goals.
This is different from other jobs in the fact that I am not just trained in the technical skills I need to complete tasks. I get mentored. I have become The Ultimate Sales Machine, been taught How To Win Friends and Influence People, been shown that I am a force to be reckoned with and can achieve Rhinoceros Success, and countless other lessons from world-class teachers. Working at Thrive is hard in all the best ways. In an extreme environment like this, you are forced to look at what you are really made of, and that causes it to be a place that a lot of people would not like to work. The people who do like it and the ones who are solid at the core, can take the heat, and even will welcome it knowing that the pressure will yield positive change. Like coal into diamonds or a plant surviving in the desert, being a Thrivetime Show team member will favor the strong and make them stronger.
Another way that Thrive is unlike other jobs is that they have a heart to mentor millions to reach their goals and their employees are no exception to this. Again, like coal being changed into a diamond, that diamond is not expected to stay in the dirt anymore. It gets sent into the world to where it is needed next. At Thrive, you are taught all of the skill that I described then you are encouraged to find your own goals, dreams, and your why in order to be able to move on and fulfill your bigger purpose. Thrive is a home for some and a launching pad for others. Working for someone who is invested in your success past your time when them is a rare and amazing experience!
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