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The Science Of Personal Achievement – Episode 5 – Part 3

Being an entrepreneur consists of many meetings and promises to multiple individuals. As you grow to many clients and connections you tend to get a little busy. Needing to go here and there, yet holding yourself accountable to your word on being where you originally promised. Holding yourself up to a certain standard, not letting someone down by keeping your word. Business coach Clay Clark talks about the life of Sam Walton and his book “Made in America”. In this book there is an insert that states: “Genuinely modest, but always sure of his ambitions and achievements. Sam shares his thinking in a candid style.” Sam Walton made a commitment to serve his people until he can no longer serve. What he did brought tears to all his employees and customers. I will not go into detail of this, but I will let you watch and find out for yourself. I believe you too will be moved for the story Clay has prepared about Mr. Walton. Your commitment really shows who you are as a person. What you value in life, and what is currently important to you? Thriver, think to yourself before watching this episode and ask “What do you expect in yourself?”  You need to define the standard you hold yourself accountable to for you will only work to that standard. Committing to that standard and keeping your word will help you understand how people view you and how you view your clients/customers. As Clifton Taulbert puts it in this video, he states “Your commitment really sends a signal of to what people can expect, but it also helps people understand what they can expect of themselves. It gives them the picture of what is possible of how commitment works.” Show others your level of commitment by applying these examples to your life on a daily basis.


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