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The Science Of Personal Achievement – Episode 4 – Part 3

Commit to self improvement. This is the main topic of this episode in the series of “The Science of Personal Achievement”. Join business coach Clay Clark and entrepreneur Clifton Taulbert as the break down this concept with their combined experiences in running a business. Self improvement is something we all need to strive to work on on a continuous basis. Not to stray away from what impacts it could make in your life. Self improvement is not for yourself alone, it is also for everyone around you. Do you remember when you last told yourself about something you need to work on. Or ask yourself this, when was the last time you caught someone doing something right. Did you express gratitude to that one individual, or did you shrug it off and move on with your day. That person was nearly doing what he was supposed to do anyways, right? As an entrepreneur you may know of a few individuals that go above and beyond what you expect of them. That is where you have the great opportunity to make an impact in that individuals life just by a few words of gratification. Clay touches on a story about Lebron James and how he impacted a young man about his potential of becoming a great basketball player. This inspired him to focus on shooting free throws no matter what the circumstances were. Lebron took that one step that he did not need to take, in result, inspired a man to become a great basketball player with the gift of positive reinforcement. You are an entrepreneur, so you may run into a few situations where you can change someones life forever just by recognizing the little things that they are exceeding in. Take a moment to watch this powerful message from Clay and Clifton for it alone will start the chain reaction of inspiring many others to do great things.



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