Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom – Episode 8 – 11 Steps to Create Financial Freedom – Part 3
Imagine a life where finances were no longer a factor in making key decisions; a life where you could freely pursue anything that you wanted because you truly wanted to, not because you have to. Is this described life possible, or just a distant fantasy? Throughout the generations, certain people have achieved financial freedom, but is it something that everyone can achieve? Join business coach Clay Clark and real estate expert Braxton Fears as they explain the steps that you must take in order to achieve true financial freedom. Both Clay Clark and Braxton Fears achieved financial freedom at a young age, and in this series, they show you that you can too.
This is the final episode in this incredible series on the 11 Steps that you must take in order to create the truly financial freedom life. In this episode, Clay and Braxton discuss the trade offs that you must make in order to live a life of financial freedom. What do these trade offs include? My friend, you must make those decisions based upon your life goals however, it is important to remember that all successful people decided that they are willing to be uncomfortable in some area of their life in the short term, to have greater comfort in the long term. For example, Braxton Fears talks about how he does not even have cable in order to save more money. Another boundary that Braxton and his family have set is by setting limits on debit cards so they can never spend more than what is in their accounts.
It is important to remember that living the life that you want requires planning, discipline, and diligence. Be inspired by both Clay Clark and Braxton Fears in how they created a life of financial freedom, and learn the proven steps necessary to live a life of financial freedom.