Entrepreneurship: What It Is And What It Is Not – Episode 1 – What It Is Really Like to Be an Entrepreneur – Part 2
Are you in entrepreneur? Do your friends and family know what being an entrepreneur means? In this episode, business coach Clay Clark dives into the specific definitions of what it means to be an entrepreneur. The first bad definition of what it means to be an entrepreneur is somebody who is self-employed. Have you ever talk to one of your friends who says that they are in entrepreneur, but what they really mean is that they live with their parents and they do not have a job, and he refused to put in any work towards building any type of idea at all? This is why entrepreneurship can sometimes have a bad stereo type to it. One of the top two qualities that an entrepreneur can possess our tenacity in passion. Regardless of what it your goal is, if you approach earning a job or building a business with tenacity, you will win. Tenacity is a steady application of persistence, ambition, and drive towards a certain goal. If you are consistently putting forth the effort to build your business, you can make progress when most entrepreneurs are sitting on the couch watching TV. Did you know, most Americans watch at least five hours of television every single day? This is why it is so hard to start a business. You must be diligent enough in order to make the sacrifices that are necessary in order to growing business. Thrive15 mentor, Lori Montag who founded the slap watch and zany bands, said that being an entrepreneur is great, you get to choose whatever 60 hours per week that you want to work. The second bad example of what it means to be entrepreneur is somebody who simply gives everything away. This can be a challenge because if you were an entrepreneur that has never created anything yourself, and you do not have something to give, then you will quickly end up with nothing. If you only have a little bit of something, if you give all of it away, you will not grow your nest of wealth.