15 Steps to Becoming a Successful Person – 4. Achieving Your Ideal Lifestyle – Part 1
Are you wanting to become more successful? Are you wanting to change your lifestyle? Are you wanting to change your career? Are you tired of not being able to live the life that you really want to live? Do you need specific steps to help you become a successful person? If you are looking to change your life in a dramatic way and are wanting to become more successful in your business, then you should watch this video! Learn the steps to better yourself and have the successful career that you have always wanted for yourself and you’re for your family.
Join Clay Clark, the former U.S. Small Business Administrator Entrepreneur of the year, to get the specific steps on how to become a successful person. He will deep dive into what matters and what you need to spend your time focusing on the most. He starts the video off by listing what he will NOT do and what he WILL do to achieve his ideal lifestyle. You have to know what to spend your time on and what you can take out of your day, and eventually your life. Tim Ferriss says that “Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action” and Lou Holtz said that “winners embrace hard work, they love the discipline of it the trade-off they are making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment.”
Clay Clark explains that you have to define your boundaries on what you are willing to do and sacrifice to achieve your ideal lifestyle for you and your family. When we define what we can eliminate from our lives, we can get more things done and spend more time doing the things we love to do. Therefore, this will make us happier and more motivated to achieve our goals. You have to decide what the trade-off is to better our lives.