15 Steps to Becoming a Successful Person – 15. Learn to How to Process Email – Part 1
If you are wanting to become a successful person? Then check out the former US small business administration entrepreneur of the year, Clay Clark, as he explains step 14 of the 15 steps to becoming a successful person. He deep dives into the importance of learning how to process email and communications. Check out business coach Clay Clark as he explains that even the most successful people have a hard time with keeping up with their email. This constant access of your email can create stress and anxiety for most people. Clay Clark suggest to get your email down to zero emails each day so its less stressful for you to handle. Also, the best way to respond to a email, is to make a phone call. This will drastically eliminate the amount of emails you are getting in your inbox and have to respond to. He will give you guidance on how to handle certain situations that come up when you only communicate through emailFor more information about these business super moves and how Thrive15 can help you with all of your business needs, head out to one our conferences or sign up for your Free 13 Point Assessment. You can gain all the super of moves for your business and learn how to grow your business by signing up for the Thrive15 Business School to gain more video like this, and video training to really help you with all your business needs. Thrive15 is your one stop shop for all of you business questions and needs, so make sure you head out to one our conferences or give us call for more information about our Business Coaching program that will be a game changer for you and your business. Get on the path to time and financial freedom with the help of Thrive15.