12 Steps To Finding A Job While Creating The Life You Want – 8. Create Solution Focused Resume – Part 1
This is the Thrivetime show on your radio the number one business coaching podcast in the world that brings you the antidote to the every day illnesses that plague the business world. Here at the Thrivetime show we’re going to be able to bring you answers to the questions you have concerning all things business and show you the steps to take to correct them. We are the best business coach program in the world and we want help you move forward with your business. We can’t wait to work with you so don’t wait any longer before giving us a call today and letting us see what we can do to help you. You’re going to be able to move forward with confidence after hearing today’s episode when you go into an interview with your resume.
That’s right today we are continuing our series on the 12 steps to finding a job while creating the life you want. We’re going to be diving into today’s topic talking about how to create a solution focused resume. This is a different approach than most people tell you to take because most people are wrong. We’re going to show you what employers looking for and how to catch his eye. Don’t wait another moment before giving us a call today and letting us see how we can help you. We have the best business coach program in the world and were going to lead you in the direction you need to go.
The Thrivetime show is going to be the best option for you if you are needing something to succeed in the business world. You are going to be able to move forward with confidence knowing that your business coach they are to help you along with everything that might come up. You’re going to have an hour of power with your coach to talk about any issues that might have arisen in the you the week before. Call today at 918-340-6978 to schedule your 13 point assessment and figure out where your were at and where you need to be. You can also go online to our website www.Thrivetimeshow.com and schedule it there.