The Process Of Becoming An Effective Leader – Episode 1 – Part 3
Being a NBA hall of fame basketball player and starting a successful business such as, the Admiral Capital Group, must require someone who is an effective leader, right? Of course it does, and let me tell you, it doesn’t happen overnight. Effective leadership is a skill, and it can be learned. So if you’ve found yourself asking the question, how can I become a better leader? Join the conversation between David Robinson and Clay Clark, as they discuss principles that you can start incorporating today to help you become a more effective leader. Are you a good listener? If you just answered no to that question, then that’s the first step that you need to take to improve your leadership capabilities. An effective leader listens. They listen even when they may not agree with what’s being said. Making sure that the other person feels valued, respected, and understood can actually improve your leadership skills. In regards to employees, it’s important to give them ownership in the company. Not necessarily literal ownership, but it’s important for them to not only feel like they’re a necessary part, but that you convey to them that they are a necessary part of the organization. Even if they’re going against what you might think, you’re showing your support and showing that you respect them. An effective leader responds. Responding simply means that you don’t let something go by the wayside; they don’t ignore a problem or perceived problem. Recognizing the problem, understanding the issue, and moving forward with an attitude and implementation of change is how an effective leader acts. Just remember that when you’re struggling with your leadership skills, not to fret. Leadership can be learned and the best way to do that is to learn from other great leaders. Find out more about how to become an effective leader by tuning into the rest of the series with David Robinson and Clay Clark.