8 Secrets To Manage In A Dumb, Dishonest, And Distracted America – Episode 4 – Part 2
Welcome back to the Thrivetime show on your radio the business coaching podcast that is here to help you succeed. We are passionate about you we want see you grow and succeed to listen up and grab a pen as we dive into the secrets that small business entrepreneur of the year clay Clark and optometrists turned serial entrepreneur Dr. Robert Zoellner used to succeed in their business. Today we’re continuing the series about talking about the eight secrets to manage in a dumb and dishonest and distracted America. We are diving into the secrecy to learn to control today’s marketplace and today’s help.
Today’s America is very different from the America that we grew up in. Our employees are distracted and more dishonest than ever. The Thrivetime show is going to be talking about what to do about how to control and monitor and properly manage these employees. Most employees in America are actually not employable. They are too busy looking at their cell phones or playing on social media during work to be of any use.
If your business is being taken over by employees that are not of any use, you need to get a business coach to show you the proper way to handle it. Your business coach is going to be able to partner with you and show you the proper way is to approach the situation. Don’t go at this alone if you don’t know what to do. The Thrivetime show is offering the best business coach program in the world because not only do we tell you what you’re doing wrong we also show you how to do it right. We also give you the tools to succeed so call us up at 918-340-6978 today were go online to www.Thrivetimeshow.com.