The Lee Cockerell Story – Episode 1 – Breaking Through Adversity & Making More Money – Part 3
Are you a good leader, or are you a good manager? Join business coach Clay as he discusses with Lee Cockerell on the topic of making more money. When you are working with your team how do you act around them? Are you the big boss that directs your employees to specific tasks? Now, that is not a bad thing to do. If fact, they are still doing their job. Clay Clark listens to Lee Cockerell as he breaks down the difference in a leader, compared to a manager. As a manager your job is to make sure the many tasks gets completed, everything is organized, and the business is under control. However, when you want to transition into a leader things do not change drastically. Leadership is the concept of inspiring others. When you see someone needing encouragement you will tend to their needs. Holding them up and making sure that they succeed in their task. What you are doing there is teaching someone how to be more successful. A leader knows how to be there, how to be trusted, and be a person of ethics. Business Coach Clay Clark goes to talk about people going into a season in their lives where they feel like they are not going anywhere. Lee Cockerell goes to say that if you are not getting anywhere in your current job then go start looking for a new one. However, he does not say to quit your job right away. You need to go to work every day and work a little harder than everyone else there. As you are pushing for success within your job take an hour a day to look for a new one. In result, one of two things will happen. Either your current employer will notice your work ethic and promotes you, or you get a new job with greater potential.